My Sister’s Wedding Speech

My BFF Chelsea that just got engaged has asked me to be her “MOH” so as I think about her speech and attempt to write something over the next several months, I thought I would share my sister’s speech. I didn’t have a Maid of Honor because I felt that each girl was equally important to me. I asked Chelsea to stand next to me during the ceremony, and I asked my sister Kaitlyn to sit next to me during dinner and give a speech. I didn’t want to put pressure or all of the responsibilities of being a MOH on one girl.

Now for those people that know my sister and me well, they know that we didn’t get along very well, if hardly at all growing up. I think parts of that is because we had to share a room until I was almost 16 years old, we’re less than two years apart and personality wise, we were quite different. So I honestly had no idea what she was going to write about. None whatsoever. Let’s just say I was pleasantly surprised and loved every bit of it. A lot of it goes to the way she spoke, how she tried not to laugh or cry too much herself, and taking pauses in the right spots.


There were a lot of these reactions throughout:

Kaitlyn_Speech2 Kaitlyn_Speech3

And for her speech…

Good evening! For those of you who don’t know me, I am Kaitlyn, the very proud little sister of our glamorous bride. I want to start by congratulating the bride and groom, and thanking all of your for making the journey here today.

When Megan first asked me to be her bridesmaid I felt very delighted, but as the big day approached I was informed that I would be doing a speech. Being the shy one and absolutely hate talking in front of a group of people, I was trying to think of ways of getting out of it. But have any of you tried saying no to Megan?!

So I started thinking and thinking…and thinking…about what to talk about and the only thing I could think about was how much we fought growing up! I mean, we had to share a room for like 12 years, our mom dressed us in the same clothes every chance she got until we were old enough to say no. We had to share toys, I always got her hand me downs. I was forced to follow every rule Mom and Dad made because she had to follow them. I always thought I was the cuter one because I had curly hair and she was slightly overweight because she loved her Little Debbie snack cakes!! …Now look at us, it’s almost opposite! And I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. To this day, Megan is the only person I know that can me laugh so hard it hurts. And I can honestly say I wouldn’t be half of the person I am today if I didn’t have a big sister like her to look up to and I’m proud to call you my big sister.

As for Tim…

I never knew Tim before he dated my sister, so I can’t tell you horrible stories about him, but I can tell you that I think he is perfect for my sister! I’ve heard that girls tend to look for someone like their father, and I think Megan has done the perfect job. Tim is very laid back, easy to talk to, and he has a great sense of humor, and likes to pick on Megan. We are very happy to welcome Tim into our family. We know he’s made for us, and I hope we’re made for him! I’m excited to have another brother, but I hope Tim is mentally, physically…and emotionally prepared to have a sister.

As I was thinking some more I thought about the words of advice that I’d like to give the newlyweds…
– Tim, don’t ever judge the choices that Megan makes, because you are one of them.
– Set the ground rules immediately and then do everything Megan says.
-If Megan ever asks if she looks fat in something, I recommend falling to the floor in a mock coma.
– Men usually want either food or sex, so learn to cook and keep your pantry stocked if you want to get anything done.
– Two secrets of a long lasting and happy marriage are a good sense of humor and a short memory.

Separately, you are two special and remarkable people, but together you are complete. As you sit side by side through this roller coaster of life, remember to scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loops, and enjoy every twist and turn; For the ride is much better when you share it together.

My greatest wishes for Megan and Tim are that they have a continued loving friendship and partnership; that they enjoy success and laughter; that they are blessed with children, or not ;) and that they always see and talk with their heart.

Please raise your glass while I toast my sister and brother-in-law.

Take each day and cherish your time together. Love one another and stand together. Take time to talk to one another. Put your love and family first, your job and hobbies second. May your love be like the wind—strong enough to move the clouds, soft enough to never hurt, but always never ending. So here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!


Thanks baby sis, for the great speech :)


5 thoughts on “My Sister’s Wedding Speech

    • Hi Caroline,
      While I encourage you to really dig deep to come up and write from your heart about the bride, feel free to use this as inspiration. My sister and I have a relationship that I’m sure is relatable, but it’s also unique to us. Happy thinking and writing!

  1. Pingback: A Great Sister of the Bride Wedding Speech from another site I found - Great Wedding Ideas

  2. That really was a fantastic speech! And Kaitlyn’s delivery and cracking up was definitely the best part… “Tim, don’t ever judge the choices Megan makes… because you are one of them.” Hahaha!

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