Life Lately #2

So I took a short break from the blog. Mainly for two reasons—1. I haven’t had too many interesting things happen and 2. I’ve been very busy lately. I was in a different town and/or state five weekends in a row, the Fourth of July holiday break, our friends that we visited out in Colorado last month are in town for the entire month of July so we’re trying to see them as often as possible, more wedding planning, Tim broke his wrist and had to have surgery on it, and we’re headed to the lake for the weekend right after work today.

So some of the things to happen lately…

The day before the Fourth of July, I spent SIX hours in the kitchen cooking/baking/preparing food for the festivities, and to make us dinner that night. Some of that time was spent making these lemon blueberry cupcakes. I sliced strawberries and added them to the top of the cupcakes for a more festive look. They turned at great, as usual—even though I did forget one ingredient. Oops…

We found this guy in our backyard the other night nestled up to one of our bushes. I guess our backyard was lacking some much needed flair.

This little lady had to make an unexpected trip the vet a couple weeks ago. She wasn’t eating or drinking, I saw her throwing up, and she was just acting very strange. Turns out she had heat exhaustion (it was over 100 degrees for about two weeks straight here) and “angry intestines” as the vet put it.

After they hooked her up to a puppy IV to put a “pocket” of fluids in her system and a bottle of pills for her intestines, we headed home. She’s doing much better now, but we still have to be easy on her when we play fetch outside.

Oh and the wedding…can’t forget about the wedding.
It’s THREE months away. Holy cow. It’s like it was just yesterday that we got engaged! Actually it was 14 months ago, but who’s counting right? We’re still checking things off the list every week. It’s that time where I have to start getting nitty, gritty details and the small stuff done—selecting the music for the entire day, writing out the ceremony, picking out and/or making the decorations. The next three months are going to fly by, and hopefully aren’t too crazy!

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